Shape Your Body. Sculpt Your Confidence. Experience Body Contouring with Recovery Cryo Today!

How Body Contouring Works

Body contouring is a non-invasive method to reduce fat and tighten skin, to achieve the look you are striving for.

  • Focus Ultrasound: eliminates subcutaneous fat through pulsed ultrasound energy, without destroying surrounding nerves, muscle, collagen, or other tissue.

  • Ultrasound Cavitation: We use low-level ultrasonic waves to transform your fat cells into fatty acids, which your body can dispose of. This feature serves to tone and tighten skin.

  • Radio Frequency Skin Tightening (RF): This aesthetic technique uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate sub-dermal collagen production, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and tightens loose skin.

  • Semi-Conducting Cooling: The semiconducting cooling function helps revitalize, repair, and enhance skin.

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